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Rant with Kumar

9 Sep (Wed), 10 - 11 pm

Ranting is an expression of anger/frustration that is usually perceived as reckless/thoughtless/destructive. Yet, it also stems from reveals our honest feelings, concerns and desires. How can we draw on harness the constructive potential of ranting as a kind of communication in the public sphere? What needs to be said? Who should hear it and how do we talk about it? In this workshop, Kumar borrows from his years of experience in comedy to facilitate participants’ reflections on / practice of ranting.

Do note that Drama Box will be making recordings for archival and publicity purposes.

Artist (The Brains Behind)

Kumar is a Singaporean Indian comedian / television host / actor / drag queen. He made his name at the now-defunct Boom Boom Room and was, for a time, synonymous with the cabaret nightclub as its resident performer. Having spent nearly two decades as an entertainer, he has amassed a string of television/stage/film credits. He released his biographical book, Kumar: From Rags To Drag, in September 2011, in which he publicly came out as gay, making him one of the few openly-gay public figures in Singapore.

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As SCENES: Participatory Practices was first conceptualised as a physical event, we had little time to adapt to the online platform. However, we did not want to give up on meeting with you through our socially engaged arts. With the constraints at hand, we decided to focus on developing our website for the laptop/desktop, so as to provide a better participatory experience.

We look forward to you joining us (on your laptop/desktop)!