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Kemas Ritual

12 Sep (Thu), 10am - 12pm

“Kemas” is a Malay word that means “neat” / “tidy up”. The idea here is to view approach the act of cleaning not merely as a task, but as a homely ritual. What is dirty in our eyes? How do we clean? With a common collective desire, participants play an active role to score a kemas ritual and dedicate it to anchors of calmness at home.

Do note that Drama Box will be making recordings for archival and publicity purposes.

Artistic Group (The Brains Behind)

P7:1SMA is a dance company that creates in the intersections of tradition and contemporary. The company believes that little things matter and relationships are built on respect and reciprocity. Ideations and research draw from moral/ethical dilemmas, and their body of work uses investigative/innovative processes to question traditions and histories. Their collective vision is for an Arts economy that is centred on agency and pleasure. Leading Kemas Ritual are P7:1SMA’s founders, Norhaizad Adam and Hasyimah Harith.

How do we remain engaged in our world?

P7:1SMA recommends:

Getaran Jiwa (Stirring of the Soul) by Tan Sri P. Ramlee

“Translated as 'Stirring of the Soul', Getaran Jiwa was composed by P. Ramlee, an icon in Malay entertainment. The song was featured in the 1960 movie Antara Dua Darjat (meaning 'Between Two Classes') about the forbidden love between a princess and a musician acted by Ramlee.

‘Masalah saya ialah masalah yang seni bertakhta di hati. Kalau hati rosak, rosaklah seni seperti lagu dan irama.’
Tan Sri P. Ramlee

Our best work comes from the heart, as aptly captured in this quote by P Ramlee. Let’s learn to love again. Regardless of race, language or religion.”
~ P7:1SMA

Artefacts / Exhibits / Experiential Log

Thank you for visiting us on your mobile device. We would like to invite you to switch over to a laptop/desktop to join us.

As SCENES: Participatory Practices was first conceptualised as a physical event, we had little time to adapt to the online platform. However, we did not want to give up on meeting with you through our socially engaged arts. With the constraints at hand, we decided to focus on developing our website for the laptop/desktop, so as to provide a better participatory experience.

We look forward to you joining us (on your laptop/desktop)!