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Healing with Humour

10 Sep (Thu), 7 - 9 pm

Working on the basic premise that we can understand how a society thinks by how it laughs, Healing with Humour explores the question: Can growing our sense of humour help us change? By discussing demonstrating how humour can bridge the gaps in our perception of a person/situation, this workshop shows underscores the importance of humour in our social interactions. The session is designed to be entirely chat-based so that participants can observe the way words work without cues from physical expression and appreciate their power more directly.

Do note that Drama Box will be making recordings for archival and publicity purposes.

Artist (The Brains Behind)

Gwee Li Sui is a poet / graphic artist / literary critic. He wrote Singapore’s first long-form graphic novel in English, Myth of the Stone, in 1993. His works of verse include Who Wants to Buy a Book of Poems? (1998), One Thousand and One Nights (2014), Who Wants to Buy an Expanded Edition of a Book of Poems? (2015), The Other Merlion and Friends (2015), Haikuku (2017), and Death Wish (2017). Gwee has also edited acclaimed literary anthologies, taught at several universities, and lectured on a range of subjects. He has written FEAR NO POETRY!: An Essential Guide to Close Reading (2014), Spiaking Singlish: A Companion to How Singaporeans Communicate (2017), and The Leeter Tunku (2019), a Singlish translation of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s The Little Prince.

How do we remain engaged in our world?

Gwee Li Sui recommends:

Songs of Innocence and Experience by William Blake

“And I made a rural pen,
And I stain'd the water clear,
And I wrote my happy songs
Every child may joy to hear.”
~ William Blake

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As SCENES: Participatory Practices was first conceptualised as a physical event, we had little time to adapt to the online platform. However, we did not want to give up on meeting with you through our socially engaged arts. With the constraints at hand, we decided to focus on developing our website for the laptop/desktop, so as to provide a better participatory experience.

We look forward to you joining us (on your laptop/desktop)!