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Breathing Objects

Part 1: 10 Sep (Thu), 2 - 5 pm
Part 2: 12 Sep (Sat), 2 - 5 pm

Every object contains a soul of its own. With this understanding, a puppeteer activates an object by giving it his/her breath, and a life is created – both actively and passively. This magical process requires the participation of not just the puppet (object) and the puppeteer, but also that of the audience (who suspends disbelief to invest emotionally in the puppet’s act transformation). In this workshop, we explore two questions: How can we harness this participation and why should we?

Do note that Drama Box will be making recordings for archival and publicity purposes.

Artist (The Brains Behind)

Myra Loke is a puppeteer/actor/educator/designer/theatre-maker. She started her journey in Singapore’s theatre 13 years ago when she co-created and participated in ARTivate (Pioneer Batch), a youth wing of Drama Box. Now, Myra is the Co-Artistic Director and a member of the artistic core team of The Finger Players. She has since performed in Framed, By Adolf, The Spirits Play, ITSY – The Musical, The Flying Dutchman, Turn by Turn We Turn and several other productions. Myra also works very closely with The Finger Players as a props maker and puppet designer. In 2017, Myra co-created You Can Reach The Sky, Singapore’s first immersive theatrical experience for babies. In 2018, she co-founded an arts collective, The Wanderlings, where she continues her work in engaging young people / people with special needs.

How do we remain engaged in our world?

Myra Loke recommends:

The Sense of Wonder

“These creatures can be so intrigued by the most mundane things. They make me wonder if there is more to the world we live in that I can't see. It drives me to want to continue discovering this world, and most importantly, to pass on this sense of wonder to people.”
~ Myra Loke

Artefacts / Exhibits / Experiential Log

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As SCENES: Participatory Practices was first conceptualised as a physical event, we had little time to adapt to the online platform. However, we did not want to give up on meeting with you through our socially engaged arts. With the constraints at hand, we decided to focus on developing our website for the laptop/desktop, so as to provide a better participatory experience.

We look forward to you joining us (on your laptop/desktop)!